This is only a comment

not intended to be a criticism but I live in a world where it is really important to look good. I live in a world where gyms are of the utmost importance to people, temples to give tribute to the body. There is a nail salon around every mile or less in this area, and there is a liquor store always available around town, and in every town.

so, my question is, Why does it have to be that way?

Why do we have to have so many shallow endeavotrs in our lives? Why is liquor so important (or necessary)?

why are looks more relevant than what is inside us?

Those are questions I cannot answer easily. I don’t know why people care so much about it, as if there was nothing else to life than the body or beauty or escaping from our reality.

Is our reality so bad?

I wonder. And I think it doesn’t have to be that bad. But it is up to us.

That is what I see.

Can there be a change after all that has happened in 2020?

Can the World look at things differently?

I surely hope so.