Do you have a dog?

Sometimes we do not know what it means to have a dog until we have one. For me, having a dog means:

Having a companion

taking care of someone other than me

Walking with him so that he exercises

Having a friend to talk to

having someone who will cuddle with me when it is cold

Having someone that wants all of the tasty food I like

Having someone who needs attention more than me

having someone who thinks he has to lead the way always

If I go for a walk, he always thinks it is his walk and makes me take him with me

If it is the evening, he reminds me that it is time to go to bed, very clearly

And of course, he clearly knows what way we are going when we are out

My husband says our dog is the most wonderful dog but I don’t think so.

So, Do you have a dog?

Tell me your experience with him or her

Present Tense

Usamos el Present Tense (tiempo presente) cuando hablamos de actividades que realizamos cotidianamente.

I study English everyday

We listen to pop music at night

they run a marathon every year

On sundays we eat paella at my mom’s house

Y cuando usamos ese tiempo presente es cuando le ponemos una “s” a la tercera persona (he,, she, it) y cuando hacemos preguntas usamos Do, Does como auxiliar.

Completa esta historia:

On ____ morning we __ out for breakfast and then we __ shopping, it __ fun to do those activities!

Do you ___ my boyfriend?

I -___ in the city of Pasadena

My birthday ___ on september 22

She really ___ that dress!

Today __ a beautiful day!